A California 100 Report

The Future of Economic Mobility, Workforce, and Inequality in California


Despite being the world’s fifth largest economy, California is also home to staggering inequality and poverty


Researchers at the Stanford Digital Economy Lab and SIEPR examined where California has been, where it’s at, and where it’s headed when it comes to possible scenarios and policy alternatives for the future.

  • Introduction


    How did California end up with such massive inequality?

  • 1 / California’s Polarized Workforce

    California’s economy once benefited from strong population growth, but that growth has been on the decline.

  • 2 / The Erosion of California’s Middle Class

    Despite robust job growth over the past half-century, the average Californian has not benefited from the state’s thriving economy.

  • 3 / Origins: Economic Shifts in California’s Regions

    Economic shifts in California are deeply tied to the state’s geographic and demographic diversity and history.

  • 4 / State-Level Wage and Labor Policies and Regulations in California

    California’s local economies have unifying features in their histories.

  • 5 / Trends: Social and Technological Pressures on Polarization in California

    Various trends will determine whether California remains on its trajectory of increasing polarization and inequality or instead shift towards a more equitable economy.

  • 6 / Future Scenarios Related to Economic Mobility, Workforce, and Inequality in California

    The future we arrive at will be greatly influenced by new technological trends and the policies we enact to guide their development towards preferred futures.